How to Read a Coffee Bag Like a Pro

In the world of coffee, each bag holds a story waiting to be told, from the exotic origins to the intricate processing methods and the meticulous roasting process. But if you are new to the world of specialty coffee, decoding the information on a coffee bag can sometimes feel like deciphering a cryptic message. Fear not, fellow coffee aficionados! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key elements found on each That Dog’ll Hunt coffee bag, empowering you to unlock the secrets of your favorite brew.

1. Coffee Name:

At the heart of every bag lies the soul of the coffee – its origin. At That Dog’ll Hunt, we use the Origin as the Coffee Name. This is where the journey begins, with the name of the region or country where the beans were grown. Whether it's the lush highlands of Ethiopia, the misty mountains of Colombia, or the volcanic soils of Guatemala, each origin imparts unique characteristics to the beans, influenced by factors like climate, altitude, and soil composition. Understanding the origin can give you insight into the terroir, altitude, and climate conditions that influence the flavor profile of the coffee.

2. Tastes Like:

Next, let your senses take the lead as you explore the tasting notes. These descriptors offer a glimpse into the flavor profile of the coffee, guiding your palate on a sensory journey. From vibrant citrus to rich chocolate, floral aromas to nutty undertones, tasting notes paint a vivid picture of what to expect with each sip. Embrace the diversity of flavors and embark on a tasting adventure like no other. The tasting notes on each bag are a starting point. See what flavors stand out to you.

3. Processing:

Behind every great coffee lies a carefully orchestrated processing method. Whether it's the traditional washed process, where the beans are meticulously fermented and rinsed, or the natural process, where they are sun-dried with the cherry intact, each method leaves its mark on the final cup. There are more and more ways to process coffee; each with it’s own unique effects on the final product: the flavor, body, and acidity are all affected.

4. Producer or Farm:

Every coffee has a story, and behind every story are the dedicated producers and farmers who nurture the beans from seeds all the way to us at That Dog’ll Hunt Coffee. Their passion, expertise, and commitment to quality shine through in every sip. Take a moment to acknowledge the individuals or communities behind your coffee, honoring their hard work and dedication to their craft.

When it comes to That Dog’ll Hunt bags, we also use this spot to mention whether producers/farms have obtained different sustainability and/or ethical sourcing certifications. For example: Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, or Direct Trade. That said, there are instances where some specialty coffee farms are too small to be able to afford certification, even if they abide by these practices.

5. Roasted On:

Last but certainly not least, pay close attention to the roast date – the fresher, the better. Coffee is at its peak flavor within a few weeks of roasting, so aim to enjoy it as soon as possible after this date. By prioritizing freshness, you ensure that each cup is bursting with flavor and aroma, delivering an unparalleled coffee experience with every pour.

Other bags:

Roast Level

Lots of coffee bags will identify the roast level. This identifier is subjective. Light roast for one coffee roaster isn’t the same for a different coffee roaster. In general, it’s understood that a light roast doesn’t have oils on the outside and preserves the inherent flavors of the bean, offering vibrant acidity and floral notes, while a dark roast is oily and offers deeper, smokier flavors.

At That Dog’ll Hunt Coffee, we primarily roast our coffees on the lighter side. However, we intentionally refrain from labeling them as such on our bags. Our approach is driven by a singular objective: to showcase each coffee in its most exquisite form. Whether we opt for a lighter roast or lean towards a medium profile, our overarching goal remains the same – to unveil the inherent brilliance of each bean. By prioritizing quality over categorization, we ensure that every cup you enjoy is a testament to the meticulous care and craftsmanship that goes into our roasting process.


Similar to the diverse world of wine, various coffee varietals boast distinctive characteristics and flavors. Each varietal offers a unique sensory experience. While we value the significance of varietal information, we recognize the delicate balance between providing insight and overwhelming our customers with information.

To ensure clarity and simplicity on our coffee bags, we have made the conscious decision to reserve varietal details for our online listings. By doing so, we streamline the information presented on our bags, allowing the key elements to shine while still offering enthusiasts the opportunity to explore the nuances of each varietal at their leisure on our website.


In the world of specialty coffee, the humble coffee bag serves as a gateway to a world of discovery and delight. By understanding the information it holds – from origin to tasting notes, processing method to roast date – you gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances of your favorite brews. So the next time you pick up a bag of coffee, take a moment to read between the lines and savor the story within. Happy brewing!


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