Mastering the Art of Brewing Coffee with the Kalita Wave: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking for a how-to guide for brewing coffee with a Kalita Wave, this is the place to be.

Brewing coffee is a delicate art, one that requires precision, patience, and a good understanding of the brewing method you're using. Among the plethora of brewing devices available, the Kalita Wave stands out for its unique design and ability to produce consistently delicious cups of coffee. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of brewing coffee with the Kalita Wave and equip you with the knowledge to elevate your coffee game.

Understanding the Kalita Wave

The Kalita Wave is our favorite pour over brewer. The flat-bottom design allows for a more even extraction than a conical shaped brewer. The filter design also reduces contact with the brewer, allowing the coffee to drain more evenly.

Equipment You'll Need

1. Kalita Wave dripper (available in various sizes and materials, but we suggest this one on Amazon or at Prima Coffee)

2. Kalita Wave filters

3. Quality coffee

4. Burr grinder

5. Gooseneck kettle

6. Digital scale

7. Timer

Brewing Steps

  1. Heat water to the desired temperature ( 195-205°F or 90-96°C) using a gooseneck kettle. Preheat your Kalita Wave and rinse the filter with hot water to remove any papery taste.

  2. Weigh and grind your coffee beans to a medium consistency. Aim for a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:16 (1 gram of coffee per 16 grams of water) for a balanced cup. Everyone has their favorite recipe, but we typically do 32g fresh ground coffee and 512g water.

  3. Place the Kalita Wave on your mug or carafe and add the ground coffee into the dripper. Shake gently to level the coffee bed.

  4. Start your timer and begin the brewing process by slowly pouring just enough water to saturate the coffee grounds (about 70g of water), ensuring all grounds are evenly wet. Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds, releasing trapped gases.

  5. Once the bloom is complete, pour 150g of water in a slow, circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Maintain a consistent flow rate (avoid pouring directly onto the filter to prevent channeling).

  6. Repeat step 5 two more times (another 150g and then 142g), until the scale reads 512g.

  7. After pouring, allow the coffee to drip until the bed is mostly dry. If you feel up to the challenge, after you finish the final pour, grab the handle of the Kalita and the mug/carafe and give it a little swirl; then lift the Kalita brewer off the mug/carafe and tap it back down onto the mug/carafe. This can help with a more even extraction.

  8. Aim to complete the brewing process in around 5 minutes. Depending on the coffee, the total desired time will vary. Some coffees may do better at 4 or 6 minutes. Take note of the total time and flavor, so that you can adjust your grind size in the future if needed. If it’s too fast, grind smaller; too slow, grind larger.

  9. Remove the Kalita Wave dripper from your mug or carafe, discard the filter and grounds, and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee!

Tips for Success

  • Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios grind sizes, and total brew times to find your preferred taste profile.

  • Practice consistency in your pouring technique to ensure an even extraction.

  • Keep track of brewing variables such as water temperature, brew time, and coffee dosage to replicate successful brews.

  • Don't hesitate to adjust your recipe based on the coffee beans you're using, as different varieties may require slight modifications.


Brewing coffee with the Kalita Wave is a rewarding experience that allows you to fully appreciate the nuances of your favorite beans. By following this comprehensive guide and experimenting with different brewing parameters, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of coffee brewing with the Kalita Wave. So grab your gear, fire up the kettle, and embark on your journey to coffee perfection!


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